ALL Are Most Welcome At Any Of Our Regular Meetings

Sunday morning worship 10:30am every week

Sunday afternoon worship 3:00pm on the fourth Sunday of each month

Sunday evening worship 5:30pm every week, except the fourth Sunday

Monday evening prayer meeting 7:45pm

House groups (first Wednesday of every month) 7:45pm

Wednesday Bible study (most other Wednesdays) 7:45pm

Thursday Club (5–11 yrs) 6:00pm (term time only)

Connect Club (11–18 yrs) Saturdays twice a month 6:00pm (term time only).

Call in for a friendly chat, explore our website, or call 07947 805349 for information on meeting days & times

Special Meetings

Throughout the year we seek to engage with our community by opening up the church building to those who might not attend regularly. These meetings are intended to be especially suitable for visitors and newcomers. There are meals, coffee times, family events and seasonal specials. Please see our full schedule for the year and come along to see what we are doing, join in with our church fellowship and hear the message of the good news in Christ Jesus.

Men's Meetings

The Men’s meeting at the Trinity Grace Church Ramsbottom is a welcoming place where we seek to grow in grace and faith in our love for God and each other as we study the word of God together. We usually have our meetings once a month on Saturdays from January to November of the year.

We usually study a book written by a trusted Christian author and is usually led by one of our Elders and then followed by a time of informal discussion on the issues and prayer. The meeting is preceded by breakfast with tea; coffee and a chance for a quick catch up on arrival we then begin the study.

In addition one of the Saturday meetings is dedicated for outreach as pizza night where we invite relatives, friends and work colleagues to share fellowship with us and listen to God’s word.

Ladies Meetings

All ladies are welcome to join our ladies meetings that take place monthly on a Saturday from 10am to 12pm. Click below for details and dates.

Ramsbottom 1940s Weekend

Ramsbottom 1940s Weekend is a very successful annual festival in Ramsbottom – Learn about it here!

Care for our young people (mentoring)

Children are a great joy to have in the Church, whatever age they are. They are a tremendous gift of God, not only to their parents, but also the wider Church family. However, we also recognise that as a Church we have a responsibility to support parents as they raise their children in the ways and word of God.

To this end we seek to offer particular spiritual care for the children of the fellowship, in close liaison with the parents. The extent of our involvement, and the specific care in each circumstance, will depend upon the age, spiritual development and family situation of the individual child.

The aim of the mentoring scheme is to help the child come to an understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ, be baptised on their profession of faith in Christ, and become faithful members in the local Church, serving the Lord with faithfulness and zeal.
Each mentor will be chosen by the elders, and approved by parents, with prayer that our young people might know the blessing of God upon them.

Care for the elderly

In our society, the elderly are often side lined and not respected, failing to receive the care that they really need. This should not be so, particularly in the Church. The Bible has much to say about the respect we should give to those older than us, because of their wisdom and experience of life. As we read in Job 12:12, “Wisdom is with aged men, and with length of days is understanding.”

As a Church we seek to take this seriously, endeavouring to provide care for the needs of the elderly among us. Old age does not come alone: it often comes with illness, disability and loneliness. As best we can, we seek to provide spiritual care under the oversight of the eldership, and physical help through the ministry of the deacons.

There are limits of course to what we can do, but that doesn’t stop us doing our best for these needy folk, who have often given their lives in service of the Lord Jesus Christ. Our desire is that in their last years, they may find the help they need, before they enter into their final rest with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Sharing with your community

It is without doubt that Ramsbottom is an extremely colourful and diverse community. With a varied range of social backgrounds, it boasts a population of between 17-18,000

Over recent years we have enjoyed contact with many families from the Peel Brow estate and felt it would be a great place to share the love of God, and true message of Christianity.

Most people have appreciated our friendly and sincere approach. Without being in any way pushy or pressurising, we listen and discuss to the concerns, fears and issues people have, weather it be religious, social or otherwise. This approach has helped us gain the respect and confidence of many we have spoken to.

It has also gone a long way in helping people to better understand the real message of the gospel, the love God, and His incredible work of salvation, through the sacrifice of His own Son, and has certainly given us great opportunities to build more meaningful relationships.

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Family Fun Day

A short film showing what we get up to on our ‘Family Fun Day’, including a 40 foot bouncy castle, barbecue, rope swing, croquet, tug-of-war, Danish longball, table tennis, motorbike rides, and much more. A great day is enjoyed by all! For those of you with apple devices, you may need to click the direct link on our Trinity Grace youtube channel to view the video.