Overseas / Missions

Trinity Grace Church has supported overseas missionary ministries for many years. We first began our involvement in the early 1970s and since then have expanded our gospel outreach to a needy world. We believe it is the responsibility of local churches to engage in this ministry, and we have rejoiced to play our part in the building of God’s kingdom throughout the world. Over the years we have received blessing after blessing by sharing in the faith and experience of fellow believers, many of whom have borne wonderful testimonies of God’s saving power and grace. We have experienced many answers to prayer and have been richly encouraged by being involved in the building of Christ’s kingdom in many parts of the world.

What does it take to be a cross-cultural missionary? What kind of sacrifice is involved, and how great is the commitment required? Who is really qualified for the work, and how should they be prepared? What is the role of the local church both in sending missionaries and in their work out in the field? How do we measure “success” in missions? These and many other questions are answered by Chad Vegas & Brooks Buser in this informative, challenging & VERY important discussion.


We support works in Kenya, Nigeria and Mozambique. Africa is rife with health, wealth and prosperity preaching which is a false gospel, so we support these works for the sake of the one true gospel: the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Who will Pastor your children? If there are not men trained for the ministry; the answer is that your children will have no Pastor. Through the work of IRBS Seminary men are being trained for the ministry and they are being trained on how to build biblical Churches. As a Church, we support this work and have close fellowship in Christ with IRBS.

Alongside IRBS we have fellowship with numerous Associations of Confessional Baptist Churches such as CBA (encompassing the whole United States), TAARBC (encompassing Texas) and SACBC (encompassing the Southeast of the United States). Our fellowship with these like-minded churches involves prayer and support for one another.


Europe has a rich history full of God’s work, from the early Church to the reformation time of Luther and Calvin. We support Christians in Europe because Europeans need the gospel, and yet the gospel is quickly disappearing from the public sphere in many of the continent’s nations. These church plants and missions works that we support seek to revive the work of the Gospel in the lands of mainland Europe.

Middle East Reformed Fellowship

MERF is bearing fruit for the Kingdom of Christ among the twenty-two nations of the Arab League and other Muslim areas in Africa and Asia. MERF strengthens national churches with ministries of evangelism, church extension, biblical training, and diaconal aid, and other ministries online and through the radio leads many to Salvation in Christ in these Islamic countries.

Papua New Guinea

The work in Papua New Guinea began under Jack and Isa Douglas many years ago, the people had never heard the gospel and God has been pleased to save multitudes in Papua New Guinea through these faithful servants. We continue to support the work as Jack and Isa can no longer visit due to old age and pray that young servants would continue the work in Papua New Guinea.


Christians are the most persecuted group in the world, but this is often ignored by our secular media. These fellow saints need our prayers and support. We support the Barnabus Fund and Release International in prayer and giving in order to help, encourage and liberate persecuted believers throughout the world.