A Distinctively Reformed & Baptist Seminary. The Story of Prof Renihan, IRBS & the UK.

Prof James Renihan, alongside a team of like-minded brothers trained young men for the ministry through the Institute of Reformed Baptist Studies, based at Westminster Seminary in California, for many years.

By God’s grace, a residential Seminary was finally established in Texas in 2018. The IRBS faculty are training more men each year to be faithful pastors, powerful preachers and sound theologians at their Mansfield campus and online.

Since 2011 Dr James Renihan has visited the UK many times to encourage and direct us to return to our confessional roots and build churches that are distinctively Reformed Baptist, committed to the Second London Confession of Faith.


Our relationship with IRBS has grown in recent years, and we have recognised the need for a theologically rigorous confessional Baptist Seminary in the UK. In light of this, we began holding training weeks where Dr Renihan came and taught some of his courses, first he taught Baptist Symbolics, which explores the Reformed Baptist Confessions, their context, content and use.

In the Spring of 2020, Dr Renihan came and taught his ‘Theology of Ministry’ course to twenty-two registered students, seven of them taking the course for credit and carrying out the course assignments. This was a week of MDIV level training on the nature and practice of gospel ministry including teaching on the call, the role of the minister, preaching, worship, the gifts and graces of the minister and much more.

Shortly after this week, the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic halted our efforts in arranging future in-person training days. However, in God’s providence, this provided the opportunity for UK brothers to take IRBS courses as the Seminary moved to online teaching over the summer months. Several men took courses in Basic and Intermediate Biblical Hebrew, Puritanism and Puritan Preaching. These courses were a great blessing to those that attended them, and we thank God for working out his gracious purposes through a time of trial and challenge.

Since then, we have recommenced in-person courses in the UK, with teaching from both Dr Renihans (Jim and Sam) on the doctrine of the Church and  Covenant Thelogy, Dr Barcellos on Hermeneutics and Dr Montgomery on  Patristics. We are now able to hold four in-person courses each year, adding UK professors such as Dr Robert Stivens, who has taught his Puritanism class.

Please pray that God will make it possible for these weeks of teaching to develop and that in future days men may be fully trained in the Scriptures through these weeks of biblical and confessional teaching.

2024 Course Schedule

IRBS UK is pleased to host three residential courses this upcoming year. IRBS serves a global constituency, offering Masters degrees which provides robust academic preparation theological and ministerial disciplines. The courses are also available to pastors and men who desire to grow in their understanding of theology and be refreshed by the sound biblical teaching. All our instructors are outstanding scholars and experts in their respective fields, as well as having a wealth of knowledge and experience as pastors.

Here is a list of courses for 2024:

05-9th February
Prof James M. Renihan

27-31st May
Dr James Dolezal

8-12th July
Dr Ryan Davidson

23-27th September
Dr Timothy Decker

Doctrine of God, May 27th-31st 2024

IRBS UK is pleased to have Dr James Dolezal, associate professor of theology in the School of Divinity at Cairn University in Langhorne, PA teach Doctrine of God in May 2024.

This course will consider the doctrine of God (theology proper) by examining God’s existence and
attributes, his triunity, and his acts of decree, creation, and providence. The contrast between classical Christian theism and its modern alternatives will be given special attention.

Spaces are limited in order to facilitate discussion and personal engagement in the classes, so be sure to make your booking as soon as possible to secure your place.

Make your booking here External Site

IRBS Church Partnership Program

IRBS Theological Seminary recently launched a new program for local churches to partner with them in the training of men for the ministry. Local churches can partner with IRBS and IRBS UK by investing in confessional ministerial training through financial support.

Churches that regularly support the seminary with a monthly gift of £150 ($200) will receive significant benefits including tuition-free enrollment for members of your church, free access to video courses, and reduced costs to various resources.

For more information about how your church can partner with IRBS TS and IRBS UK please consult their website, Church Partnership Program – IRBS Theological Seminary (irbsseminary.org)<https://irbsseminary.org/church-partnership-program/>